Edwardo Gleason

Chief Operating Officer


Edwardo Gleason, Numera's Chief Operating Officer, is a financial virtuoso who thrives on operational excellence. His personality is characterized by a quiet confidence and a knack for translating complex operational challenges into streamlined solutions. Edwardo's steady and composed demeanor underpins his ability to manage intricate operational processes.

He is known for his keen problem-solving skills and an unwavering commitment to innovation. Edwardo approaches each challenge with a practical mindset and a focus on creating efficiency. His ability to turn complex issues into actionable strategies is a testament to his resourceful nature.

Edwardo is an avid reader, drawing inspiration from various genres and disciplines, a reflection of his insatiable curiosity and dedication to lifelong learning. His inquisitive spirit is evident in his approach to operational excellence.


  • MBA in Operations Management from Kellogg School of Management
  • Bachelor's degree in Accounting from Chicago Financial University

Awards & Recognitions

  • 'Operational Visionary Award' for contributions to driving Numera forward